Cummins ISX Engines
Cummins wrote the book on high-performance diesel engines. The ISX15 began as a radically innovative platform – rapidly outpacing the competition and becoming the industry’s dominant big-bore engine over the past three decades.

Cummins ISX15 Engine
Power: 400-600 hp (298-447 kW) Torque: 1450-2050 lb-ft (1966-2779 N•m)
Cummins ISX15 is North America’s most popular heavy-duty engine, and the only engine offered as an option by every major Class 8 truck manufacturer. The ISX15 boasts ratings from 400-600 horsepower with up to 2050 pound-feet peak torque. This legendary engine is a favorite among drivers and fleet operators alike.
Cummins ISX15 is the industry leader in just about every type of heavy-duty application from 18-wheelers to fire and emergency vehicles. No other diesel can match it for proven performance with ratings from 455 to 600 hp (339-447 kW) and the highest power density in its class.
For customers wanting the ultimate in performance from their premium motorhome, the engine of choice is Cummins ISX15 – the most popular heavy-duty engine sold in North America. It is ideal for even the largest,most heavily equipped units.
Fuel Economy
The ISX15 is the industry leader in fuel economy. In 2013, we refined our proven technology, including more efficient fuel and water pumps to provide additional usable horsepower. Together with optimized combustion and fewer active regenerations of the aftertreatment system, today’s ISX15 delivers up to 2% better fuel economy.
Each element of the ISX15 is manufactured to maximize fuel economy, performance and durability, while delivering the lowest operating costs of any engine in its class. Integration and optimization of every system from air handling to exhaust aftertreatment results in the most reliable engine on the road.
The ISX15 was the first engine certified to meet 2014 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations – a full year ahead of schedule. The Model Year 2013 ISX15 is equipped with On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) to ensure optimal emissions system performance.
ISX15 ratings range from 400-600 hp (298-447 kW) with up to 2050 lb-ft (2779 n•M) of peak torque. These include SmartTorque ratings that add 200 lb-ft of extra torque in the top two gears so Class 8 trucks can make it up steep grades with fewer downshifts. Vocational ratings have additional torque in the lower gear ranges. Operators can tailor ISX15 operation for any on-highway application using Cummins PowerSpec.
Base engine warranty coverage for the ISX15 includes parts and labor on warrantable failures for both the engine and aftertreatment system with no deductible. Extended Coverage Plans are available for the base engine with options for up to 7 years or 500,000 miles (804,672 km). Extended coverage plans are also available for the aftertreatment system and major components. Check with your Cummins distributor or dealer for details.
Featured ISX15 Engines

Cummins ISX12 Engine
Power: 310-425 hp (231-317 kW) Torque: 1150-1650 lb-ft (1559-2237 N•m)
Cummins ISX12 is making a huge impact in work trucks of all types, from mixers and dumps to day cabs and LTL operations. It combines the strength and reliability of proven technology from the ISX15 with a high power-to-weight ratio and over 800 lb-ft (1085 n•M) of clutch engagement torque. The ISX12 is ideal in operations calling for a compact, heavy-duty engine.
Cummins ISX15 is the industry leader in just about every type of heavy-duty application from 18-wheelers to fire and emergency vehicles. No other diesel can match it for proven performance with ratings from 455 to 600 hp (339-447 kW) and the highest power density in its class.
For customers wanting the ultimate in performance from their premium motorhome, the engine of choice is Cummins ISX15 – the most popular heavy-duty engine sold in North America. It is ideal for even the largest,most heavily equipped units.
Better Fuel Savings
We’ve refined the 2013 ISX12 to deliver up to 2% better fuel economy versus the 2012 ISX12 while meeting 2014 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and fuel efficiency regulations a full year ahead of schedule. With the amount of fuel saved, ISX12-powered trucks meet demanding performance standards while providing significant savings through a lower total cost of operation. The 2013 ISX12 is equipped with On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) which monitors and ensures optimal performance of the emissions system, using a system proven in thousands of vehicles since 2007.
Better Performance
ISX12 vocational ratings from 320-425 hp (239-317 kW) are engineered to provide additional torque in the lower gears where it’s needed most. We offer multiple options, including front- and rear-mounted power take-off (FEPTO and REPTO) and several hydraulic drive options. This versatility makes the ISX12 ideal for rear- and front-pouring mixers as well as dump trucks and refuse haulers. For LTL and daycab trucks we offer standard ratings from 310 hp to 425 hp (231-317 kW) with engine software configurations that deliver the precise combination of fuel economy and performance to meet regional and LTL fleet needs. SmartTorque ratings provide an additional 200 lb-ft of torque in the two top gears, so drivers can climb steep hills with fewer downshifts.
Better Coverage for Better Confidence
Base engine warranty coverage for the ISX12 includes parts and labor on warrantable failures for both the engine and aftertreatment system with no deductible. Cummins base engine warranty coverage is good for 2 years/250,000 miles (402,336 km). Engine extended coverage plans are available with options up to 7 years or 500,000 miles (804,672 km). Extended coverage plans are also available for the aftertreatment system and major components. Check with your Cummins distributor or dealer for details.